Photography Content Days + Education

Experience is the best teacher.
Join Community over competition for my next amazing content day or sign-up for an upcoming
photography class or photography mentoring Program to up your game.

Whatever your photogray goals, I've got a plan.

content days virginia beach sarah keenan miller photography education

I’ve always loved the Quote-  “A rising tide lifts all boats.”

for each of us 2020 marked a huge change in our social norms.  For most of us covid changed our businesses, our education systems, and in some ways our family life.  And for those of us in service industries, we went from face-to-face interactions to almost full isolation.  

IT was out of necessity for interaction and growth and with my eye on a “rising tide” in our artistic communities in late 2020 that I began the organization that I now call Community over Competition.

This group hosts content days, educational speakers, and social gatherings to draw on one another’s gifts, experiences and insights.  It is entirely free to join.  Anyone, at any level that is a visual media artist or works in the wedding event space is welcome.

Be in touch and let me know you’re interested in further information.  Next Content Day is in the works- Date:: TBD.

The Thrive Program is a 6 month One-to-One Mentoring Program for Photographers.  This is a heart built program for photographers created by me, a photographer.

This full court press of one-to-one mentoring covers all business topics, grows technical knowledge, challenges creativity, and leaves each participant ready to take on their dreams of building a sustainable photography company.

If you’re on the fence about your company, struggling to make an impact, looking for constructive and critical advice, or simply starting from ground zero, you are in the right place.  Welcome to a less complicated path to your goals.

In order to give full-focus to each student, I only accept 3 students at any given time.  2 openings for Fall.
Please be in touch for next available start date.  

From the Blog